Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with the Centre for Development Policy and Practice, and the Government of Telangana is pleased to announce Algorithms, AI, and Accountability as the theme for the sixth Digital Citizen Summit that will take place on 15th and 16th November at T-Hub, Hyderabad.

Through this summit, we aim to explore the ethics and accountability issues emerging in the use of artificial intelligence in South Asia and India. We aim to unpack the opacity and technological languages around AI to democratise the discourse around it. The two-day event will be organised with around 12 sessions and 7 lighting talks to bring together students, researchers, academics, civil society representatives, developers, and public policy professionals to present their research, experiences, observations, and opinions through panel discussions, lighting talks, workshops, networking sessions, and paper presentation.

The sub-themes for this year’s DCS are, but not limited to:

  1. Big Data, Algorithmic Bias, Discrimination
  2. Representative and Ethical AI Development
  3. AI Access and Meaningful Connectivity
  4. AI, Workers, and Platform Economies
  5. AI Regulation and Citizen Centric Governance
  6. AI, Misinformation, and Disinformation
  7. Data Citizenship and Community Making
  8. Online Privacy, Security, and Data Rights
  9. The Absent Data
  10. AI and Environment

We invite different stakeholders to participate at Digital Citizen Summit 2024:

Round Table Discussion: Round Table Discussions are a structured conversation with a small group of individuals. It ensures equal participation by ensuring that all attendees contribute their thoughts, experiences, and expertise.

Panels Discussion: A group of experts gathered to share their perspectives in front of an audience. The discussion will be guided by a moderator who will guide the discussion.

Lightning Talk: A lightning talk is a short presentation presented by one person. A lightning talk usually shares a personal narrative of an individual around an issue.

Workshop: Through the workshop, the participants will have a hands-on, interactive experience through a series of activities to explore, ideate, and participate in achieving new learnings.

Tutorial: A tutorial is a short presentation that showcases new tool or technology

Showcase: A dedicated area will be provided to put up exhibitions and share the technology/goals with the attendees.

The call for Session is open till 15th September.

Click here to submit the application