Name: Jasmine Lovely George
Organisation: Hidden Pockets
Country: Afghanistan
Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Organisation
Thematic Area: Freedom of Expression
Session Title: “Feminist taking over of the web using ICTs”
Session Format: PANEL (60/90 MINS)
Co-organizers Name (if any):
Speakers Name: Jasmine George, Japleen Pasricha, Bhaani Rachel Bhaani, Women Who Code, Aisha George
Speaker Status: Waiting for confirmation
Relevance of the issue with specified session theme: The beauty of technology is its usage. There is always a possibility of a better world and technology can pave a way for this. Some of us young feminists around the world, have been trying to create our own versions of technology and flooding the web with content that we would like to read, the content that we call of our own, and content that makes world a little more feminist.
Content of the session (Objective of the session): We are 5 different feminist doing different kind of work with technology and we want to offer a possible alternative for the way we engage with technology in our own spheres. In our own capacity we are trying to create counter-narrative of how people engage with technology and at the same time challenge patriarchy and power in play. It is not easy creating a narrative which opposes the mainstream narrative. For some of us, it is the discourse of discussion and debate, for some it is the idea of digital and physical maps, for some we are trying to populate the online audio waves, and others are trying to engage with booming video space.
What is USP of the session: Young feminists talking about different multimedia strategies that help in developing feminist internet. We discuss about feminist maps, feminist magazine, feminist podcasts and feminist videos.
Please describe how you will use your speakers and how their views/ perspectives /expertise will be included in the session: We start the session by asking the audience to lay out the kind of online sources one refers to while engaging with internet. Ask them do they find any problems with their sources and how do they deal with it
How are you bringing diversity in your proposed session whether it is relevant to the specified theme? We are bringing in young people from different parts of India, working on making internet more feminist through diverse content, multimedia format and ensuring voices of young heard in internet right spaces.
Relevant Tags (Minimum 3 tags) #feministinternet #SDGs #youngfeminists #internetforall #freedomofexpression